Our Vision
Supporting Students
The PTSA funds educational programs, extracurricular clubs, and advocates for students.
Cultural Arts Programs & Speakers
Reflections Arts Program
Character Education
Positive Behavior Intervention
Support Programs
Special Needs Awareness
Student Participation in the PTSA
Organize Creation of the Yearbook
The PTSA is comprised of a diverse group of board and general members that volunteer in varying capacities all year long.
School wide events
Picture Days
Concession Stands for Events
Student Recognition Breakfasts
Support Programs
Membership Drives
Attend Regular Meetings
Organize Creation of the Yearbook
Keeping Parents Connected
Our communications committee is dedicated to keeping parents, students and teachers in the know.
PTSA Website Updates
Blog Articles
Updating Facebook & Twitter
Positive Behavior Intervention
Email Newsletters to Members
Share Local, State and National Topics Affecting Our School.
Building Community
The PTSA helps encourage and build a strong and connected community of engaged parents and students. In order to reap the benefits of living in such a diverse community, we must connect with one another in meaningful ways around the shared interest of unleashing our children’s potential.
Hosts Open Houses
Hosts 8th Grade Celebration Events
Hosts Spirit Nights
Available for Support and Information
Hosts Fun Family Events
Supporting Staff
The PTSA helps support our administration, teachers and staff in a variety of ways each year.
Classroom and Curriculum Funding
Professional Development Grants
Instructional Grants
Staff Appreciation Events
Available for Support and Information